Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Friendly Face

I saw Donnie Bob (Donny and Vanessa Whitcomb) at the temple today.

My district

There are three missions in my district two elders and one sister are going to England English speaking. Two sisters and my companion are going Georgia in the United States and finally me and a sister are going to New Mexico so that's fun. I'm getting ready for breakfast then our district will be going to the temple after breakfast I'm off I hope you all have a great day love you bye.

My First Few Days

My first few days have been something else. After you guys saw me go through the check point I walked to my gate and sat there for about 30ish min till I saw a sister start walking to our gate. She just  had an air around her that looked like a sister. As we where boarding I started talking to her ( ps. Her name is Magian and she did not know airports and had a heavy bag ). I helped her find her zone then when she made it back to her seat she was one row in from the of me and to the right. I lifted her bag into the over head the flight was uneventful until I asked her if she got a shuttle. She was getting picked up by family so I started to worry a little bit. After we landed we where delayed on the taxi way so 15 min late after we got to the gate I pulled her bag out and then lead her to the baggage claim where her aunt was waiting her and after the happy voices she say me and asked two questions real fast. The first was are you going to the MTC I said yes then right after she asked if I needed a ride and me and Magian kind of till it was time to show up to the MTC. I got the whole MTC experience where I got a hug and said goodbye it was over whelming at first but as I got settled everything fell into place and it all made more sense. I don't know how else to say it other then that but this place is
amazing everything can be linked to god in some way.

Now time to tell you a little about my district and my companion. My district is 34-C and our zone is known as the celestial zone and I am starting to believe them. My room mates are awesome and I'm loving every minute with them. My companion his voice is what you think of when you think of a Texas accent but he is only about an hour away from his home. The only times when I've had any thoughts about leaving before I'm sent home are in the morning when I have to leave my blankets. On Friday we took some pictures and this one was in the class room right before dinner. It was just so cool looking, I hope you like it. I'm having a great time and the orange juice is not bad I love you and I'll see you when I'm done with my lords work.

Ps I found aunt Cathie's granddaughter I wish I could remember her
name but I'm a little all over the place right now. I know there is a picture out there of us, you might just have to ask your cousin about it.

I really am meant to be here and lance I'm not coming home. Bye guys
I'll talk to you next week

Elder Dubois
 laughed and said yes I did and that was the end of that I had a ride( my smiling luggage tags didn't make it on any bags sadly). I'm the ride I told my story about the shuttle and how we met then they took me to breakfast and then we walked around the BYU campuses

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I made it

This is just a small email to let you know that i made it from the airport to the MTC love you see you in 2.

Elder Dubois  New Mexico

Ps my p day is on Saturday for 3 weeks.

Garrett's mission begins

I decided to start this blog to record Garrett's mission letters, pictures, and anything that he sends to us. I thought he may enjoy this memory.

This journey began last night when Garrett was set apart by President McKinley. He began our meeting with all present giving Garrett advise. Afterwhich he set him apart and have him a beautiful blessing. He was blessed with health in body and mind.  Blessed with the desire to be obedient and to ability to work hard.


Aaron Penny who has been Garrett's boss and friend for a couple of years came to support him. 

Of course mom and dad came. John have Garrett wonderful advise. He encouraged him to learn who Christ is and to become friends with him and to rely on him. 

This morning we all woke up before ran to get ti the airport by 4:30. We we close to being on time but we weren't worried because Spokane is pretty small and quick to go through TSA.  

As we arrived Garrett seemed calm get nervous. He would  would say otherwise. Once he git checked in we got a few pictures and then said out good bye. It was hard to see him leave knowing it will be 2 years until I get to hug him again. We are all so proud of him and am excited to see all the adventures he has while serving the Lord. 

He's ready to get started. 

The family together bright and early to say good bye.

 There he goes into the world to serve the Lord.

The family is now different. One is missing but we a know he is where he needs to be. I can't wait to see the amazing man he will become.